Konsplosion 2018

It’s that time of year again! Pumpkin-spice everything and, oh yes, KONSPLOSION!

What the hell is that, you ask? Konsplosion is a geek convention covering all things… geek.  This means comics, gaming, anime, cosplay, and they even have a category for ‘pop culture’ (which means, basically, ‘everything else’). It’s down in Fort Smith Convention Center, and yours truly will be a guest!

Don’t worry, it won’t just be me.  My dear friend, Sami Inoue-Heart, will be there along with Voice Actor Quinton Flynn. Of course, there will be a bunch of other folks, too – cosplayers, dance troupes, and even a couple of other authors.

I’ll be doing three panels while I’m there, so be sure to stop in and check those out:

  • Friday 7-8pm, panel room 5, Literary Madlibs
  • Saturday 10:30-11:30am, panel room 5, American Author in Asia
  • Saturday 8-9pm, panel room 2, Let’s Write Some FanFic!

For those of you who are looking for an autographed copy of Book 3 – One Fine Day – you can find me there!! (Or catch me at another con, of course!)

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