Planet Comicon – KC – 2019

Who’s got two thumbs and will have a table at Planet Comicon this year?

Well, a whole mess of people, really, but also your favorite author!

Well, no, not that one…. not that one either…

Please stop guessing, you’re hurting my feelings….

YES!! ME!!! I’ve been there loads of times, but as a fangirl. This year, I’ll be slinging my books! I can’t wait to see everyone – it’s going to be a blast. Officially the largest con I’ve been to, so if you’re in the area, you need to stop in to say ‘allo (because, clearly, there won’t be enough people as it is).

For more details about the con, you can check out their official page here.

But the Con is so big – Where will we FIND you??

I’m so glad you asked! I’ll be at table 2345. Still doesn’t help you much? Fortunately, they have a handy-dandy map !

You’re right…. That’s a bit large. But hey, the place is ginormous! Does this help?

Not only will have the books and coloring pages but get this – I’ll even have BAGS!! No, not grab bags. Just…. just bags. If you’ve been to a con, you’ll know just how important that is, folks… Stop looking at me like that…

Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!!

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