Planet KC (2019) – I’m Back!

Yes, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done much in the way of blogging, but I spent a wonderful weekend last weekend at Planet Comicon – my first convention of the year – and I felt I needed to say a few words!!

I was on an aisle with other writers, a couple of whom I already knew (I was even seated next to my dear friends over at Melon Dog … more about that motley crew later, however!). Not that I’m bashful or shy – I was probably the loudest person in the area! And the group of us bonded (as one does at any given convention with the folks who are stuck with you).

I sold a bunch of books (a new record!). The dreaded words for anyone who is selling “I’m just looking right now” along with the promise to return. But the awesome thing for this weekend? Several of them ACTUALLY CAME BACK!! (If you are one of those individuals who returned, a great big THANK YOU! to you!)


A few of you were at those individuals, and you made a point of coming to the table to speak to me. Talk about warm fuzzies!!! I was so happy to get to meet folks in the flesh, provide hugs, and chat with you a bit. I wish I had more time to talk to more of you, but I gotta say – I absolutely love that those of you there chose to come to chat with me.

I didn’t go meet many celebrities this time around – I usually do at Planet, but not so much this time. I did, however, get to speak with Jessica Nigri. You don’t know who that is?? It’s fine – I just found out myself a couple of years ago. She’s a cosplayer who’s done a fair bit of modeling and general voice acting. I’ll do a bigger post about her later, but she was, simply speaking, amazing.

I discovered her because of my sister a couple of years ago, and I’ve been following her on Instagram ever since. Don’t judge a book, folks – she’s spectacular! And SUCH a great big dork. (please understand when I say this, I mean it with love since I, too, am a great big dork!!)

All told, the weekend was pretty awesome. Got to see my pals from Geeky Kool as well as run into several other friends of mine. Hell, one friend came up from Fayetteville to stay with me over the weekend and help out at my table! Man, my people rock…

As of right now, I don’t have any other cons on the schedule – kinda depends on what happens when I graduate in a month and a half (insert terrified wailing here). I’ll keep you updated, though, and I hope to get to see more of you soon!!

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